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Florida's Adult and Family Literacy Resource Center is unable to ship materials outside of the state of Florida. If you are located outside of Florida and are interested in acquiring a specific publication or materials, please contact us at (407) 246-7110 ext. 202 OR
Please examine all of our available materials. For your convenience we have organized our materials into several general categories. We will adjust your order to reflect the availability of our supplies.
Please check back soon for new materials as we update our Clearinghouse!
Comments/special requests regarding your order:
Please type the quantity of each item you would like in the boxes below.
Family of Bears - small poster
Family of Bears - large poster
Teach the World to Read - Volunteer Recruitment poster
The Joy of Reading art print
50 Ways to Fight Illiteracy - Spanish poster
"I Wish I Knew How" art print *OUT OF STOCK*
It's Never Too Late to Learn - FLC Hotline poster
Growth Mindset art print
Job Skills: Ten Essential Qualities Employers Seek art print
i2i Hello/You 11x17 Poster
Be an Active Reader art print
Be an Active Reader art print
It's Never Too Late to Learn - Customizable poster
Share the Joy of Reading - Volunteer with FLC poster
Share the Joy of Reading - Volunteer Customizable poster
Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect poster
Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect poster
Help Prevent Suicide 18x24 Poster
Prevent Youth Violence and Related Risk Behaviors
Prevent Intimate Partner Violence poster
STOP Sexual Violence Before It Starts poster
Please type the quantity of each item you would like in the boxes below.
Celebrating Volunteers bookmark
FLC Hotline Orange bookmark
Job Scams bookmark
MLK Day of Service bookmark
Health Care Scams bookmark (English)
Fotonovela bookmark
Health Care Scams bookmark (Spanish)
Please type the quantity of each item you would like in the boxes below.
It's Never Too Late to Learn FLC Hotline flyer
Literacy Works in Florida - Family Literacy flyer
The Value of Volunteers *Out of Stock*
50 Ways to Recognize a Volunteer *Out of Stock*
Please type the quantity of each item you would like in the boxes below.
Florida Literacy Coalition brochure
Getting Out of Debt (English)
Getting Out of Debt (Spanish)
Identity Theft: What to Know, What to do
Money Monsters: Learn To Save
Behind on Bills? Start With One Step (English)
Atrasado en los Pagos? De el primer paso. (Spanish)
Debt getting in your way? Get a handle on it.
Want credit to work for you? Start with these steps.
Building your savings? Start with small goals.
10 Ways to Avoid Fraud (Spanish) *Out of Stock*
Fotonovela: Estafas de Notario (Spanish)
Fotonovela: Avoid Car-Buying Trouble (Spanish)
Fotonovela: Debt Collectors (Spanish)
Fotonovela: Debt Relief Scams (Spanish)
Fotonovela: Government Imposters (Spanish)
Fotonovela: Income Scams (Spanish)
Fotonovela: The Rivera Family Avoids Telemarketing Scams (Spanish)
Fotonovela: Talking about Scams (Spanish)
Fotonovela: Notario Scams (Spanish) *Out of Stock*
A CDC Guide for Healthy Travel (English)
A CDC Guide for Healthy Travel (Spanish)
Verifique la seguridad/Check for Safety - STEADI brochure (Spanish)
Mantenga su independencia/Stay Independent - STEADI brochure (Spanish)
Employment Background Checks
Fixing Your Credit (Spanish)
Choosing a College (English)
Phone Scams (English)
How to Avoid a Scam (English)
How to Avoid a Scam (Spanish)
Books for Adult Education
Please type the quantity of each item you would like in the boxes below.
Preparing for Storms in Florida
Literacy is Good Business
A Financial Empowerment Toolkit (English)
Un Conjunto de Herramientas de Empoderamiento Financiero (Spanish)
Key Concepts and Features of the 2003 NAAL
Outstanding Results: Tomorrow's Challenge
QEd: Scientific Evidence for Adult Literacy Educators
National Household Education Surveys Program of 2003: Tubular Summary of Adult Education for Work-Related Purposes
Educational and Labor Market Performance of GED Recipients: Executive Summary
Learning to Achieve
National Evaluation of the Even Start Family Literacy Program
National Assessment of Vocational Education: Executive Summary
Using Research and Reason in Education
Literacy in Everyday Life: Results from the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy
Focus on the Basics: Corrections Education *Out of Stock*
Focus on the Basics: Youth in ABE *Out of Stock*
Improving Adult Literacy Instruction: Supporting Learning and Motivation *Out of Stock*
Books for and About Children
Shining Stars: First Graders Learn to Read *Out of Stock*
A Child Becomes a Reader: Kindergarten through Grade 3 *Out of Stock*
¿Dónde está Oso?/Where's the Bear (Spanish) *Out of Stock*
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being
Baby's Busy Day: Being One is So Much Fun!
Un dia ocupado del bebe: Tener un año es divertido!
La Lectura es lo Primero/Put Reading First (Spanish)
Qué significa ser padres? Guía para ayudarlos a tener éxito como padres y madres de familia - Spanish booklet
Milestone Moments booklet (English)
Milestone Moments brochure (Spanish)
Safe Sleep for Your Baby: Reduce the Risk of SIDS - English booklet
Sueño seguro para su bebé: Reduzca el riesgo del síndrome de muerte subita del bebé y de muerte por otras causas relacionadas con el sueño - Spanish booklet
Adventures in Parenting booklet
Net Cetera: Chatting with Kids About Being Online (English)
Net Cetera: Chatting with Kids About Being Online (Spanish)
Heads Up: Stop. Think. Connect. (English)
Heads Up: Stop. Think. Connect. (Spanish)
Informational Handouts
Please type the quantity of each item you would like in the boxes below.
Making a Budget: What To Do - English (one sheet) *out of stock*
Make a Budget worksheet - English (one sheet)
Making a Budget: What To Do - Spanish (one sheet)
Make a Budget worksheet - Spanish (one sheet)
Renting an Apartment or House - English (one sheet)
Renting an Apartment or House - Spanish (one sheet)
Your Paycheck: What To Do - English (one sheet)
Your Paycheck: What To Do - Spanish (one sheet)
Your Education After High School (one sheet)
Know Your Terms postcard
Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults, 2021
Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents, 2021
Talk. They Hear You: Before the Big Sleepover – Postcard
Talk. They Hear You: Help Your Children Grow PSA – Wallet Card
Health Care Scams - English (one sheet)
Health Care Scams - Spanish (one sheet)
I Need Immigration Help. Who Can Help Me? (English)
I Need Immigration Help. Who Can Help Me? (Spanish)
Avoiding Scams Against Immigrants (English)
Avoiding Scams Against Immigrants (Spanish)
Please type the quantity of each item you would like in the boxes below.
FLC Spanish Referral Pads
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Florida Department of Education, Division of Career and Adult Education