Dear Sponsor,
Thank you so much for your time and any consideration you give to this organization. We appreciate your time, your support, and most of all, your prayers. Without the support of people like you, this camp would not exist. may God richly bless you and may your harvest be mighty, because you are planting great seeds in rich soil. There are many ways to support RBCO. Some are listed below. If God gives you a creative new idea that is not listed her, please feel free to list it. We welcome new ideas, and new supporters. We list all of our sponsors in our camper handbook that is handed out at registration, and this year with the website, we will have a links that link to your website if you would like.
Buckle Sponsors:
We order handmade buckles of quality that have a cross on them. They are a beatiful reminder of their experience at Rodeo Bible Camp.
Scholarship Sponsors:
This is an opportunity to send a kid to camp that can't afford to come. Some don't have horses and they are paired up with horses brought by volunteers. Lives are changed, but only if they can get to camp!
Food Sponsors:
We are always in need of cookies for snack time, potatoes, sausage, eggs, hamburger, ect.!
Financial Gift:
All gifts are tax deductible and finances are needed for every area imagined: fairgrounds rental (approx. $8500), groceries, office supplies, insurance, stock contractors, hay, and equipment, just to anme some of them.