Need an ad posted on the site that's $10 or under ?  We post these for FREE!
Want to be contacted about ad rates?  Our Soul Blasts are HOT!
Want to barter event tickets or services for an ad?  We may be able to work with you!
Requesting an interview with the founder?  She's really cool!
Want more information on volunteering with us?  Join us for soulful fun!
Just need general info or have comments?  Tell us about it!

The Soul Pitt gets a generous amount of email daily and we want to be able to better serve you with faster and more efficient communication. This request form will help in that area. And as always, your feedback is always welcomed. Request Form

If this is for the FREE Calendar, skip this form and please submit your posting by clicking here:

Please choose which you are requesting (you may select one or more requests) *

Here are some tips to help you submit request more effectively:

1.  Submit events in enough time to let people know about them and to give us time to post.
2.  Be clear about the details (
who, what, where, when)
3.  Always give a contact number or email for people to contact you for more info
4.  If you have a website that gives more details for the event - list it.

Thank you for your Request!