Financial Aid Application
2024-2025 Fall/ Winter Season

Miami United Volleyball (MUV) provides need-based financial aid to athletes to aid in the assistance of payment of club fees.  The financial assistance program awards funds to club members based on demonstrated financial need, academic achievement, and expressed interest in pursuing volleyball beyond high school.  To be eligible to apply for the MUV Financial Assistance Program, all athletes must try out and have been offered a position on one of our travel teams. The application must be completed and all supporting documents submitted to qualify for assistance no later than April 5th. MUV is not responsible for any technical difficulties that may result in delay of submission; therefore, please ensure the application and materials are timely submitted to avoid disqualification.


All application information and materials will be kept in strict confidence and will be used only in the evaluation of a family’s eligibility for financial aid. If the information submitted is proven to be false, the athlete will be disqualified for MUV financial aid. If a financial aid recipient quits or transfers before the season is complete, the financial aid will be revoked and the player fees will be due in full in accordance with MUV financial policies.


Award recipients and award amounts are confidential. Players and families/guardians who violate this confidentially will have their financial award revoked and the player fees will be due in full in accordance with MUV financial policies.

Financial assistance awards vary each season and are determined per season based on sponsor donations and money raised. Depending on team placement, amount of athletes requesting assistance on a given team and funds availability.  Financial need and travel team fees will be considered in determining who gets awarded and award amounts.


All award recipients must volunteer at 3 volleyball events per season, for a minimum of 10 hours total per season. Failure will result in the financial aid being revoked and the player fees will be due in full in accordance with MUV financial policies.


If you have any questions regarding the eligibility criteria or application process for the program, please contact coach Chris at (305) 205-3132 (text preferred).


Scholarships recipients will be notified on a rolling basis based on availability of funds.


To be eligible to apply for the MUV Financial Assistance Program, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Tryout and accept a travel team offer
  • Must be in good standings with MUV (not owe any money from previous seasons or have left our club in the middle of a season)
  • Must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher (Must submit official report card.
  • Demonstrate need for financial assistance (Must submit previous tax returns for all parents/guardians)
  • Individual determination and self- motivation to succeed
  • Future goals and plans to achieve them
  • Ability to communicate the hardships you have overcome or currently face
  • Completed application and supporting materials submitted no later than August 17th


***INCOMPLETE applications will be disqualified***

Player Information

Parent/ Guardian Information

Financial Aid Questions- Parents/ Guardian

Financial Aid Questions- Player

Upload Forms

Please attach these three completed forms:
1. 2023 tax return
2. End of year grade transcripts (2023-2024)- unofficial is fine
3. Last semester report card.
4. Letter of reccomendation for financial aid (from a coach, teacher or counselor)


If I make a travel team and I am awarded Financial Aid, I understand I (player and family) will need to take all of the additional costs of memberships as well as travel and accommodations. If I accept a position on said team I (player) will attend all tournaments this team is going to and will take care of all memberships, as well as travel and accommodations in a timely manor. Tournament attendance is mandatory (with exceptions granted in only extreme circumstances).


Breaking this agreement could result in said player having their financial award revoked and player fees will be due in full in accordane with MUV financial policies.

Please provide an electronic signature to verify that all information that has been provided is correct and true *

Please contact us at or (305) 205-3132 (text prefered) with any questions.

Thank you

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