Cross-institutional Study Application Form
For assistance completing this form contact us on 08 8299 7300


Students enrolled in a course of study at one higher education institution who want to count units/subjects offered at one (or more) other higher education institutions as part of their award may be admitted to such units as cross-institutional students.  Adelaide Central School of Art (ACSA) students may undertake cross-institutional study (CIS) from Level 2 onwards.

The maximum amount of credit granted for CIS cannot exceed:

  • 8 Credit Points for the Associate Degree of Visual Art
  • 8 Credit Points at Level 2 and 4 Credit Points at Level 3 for the Bachelor of Visual Art
Credit awarded for CIS contributes to the maximum credit that can be granted for a course overall (when including Recognition of Prior Learning).
Approval of credit for CIS will only be granted if:
a. The unit for which credit is sought is not a core unit, and 
b. The content of the selected unit is not provided by ACSA as part of a student's enrolled course.
Refer to the Recognition of Prior and Concurrent Learning Policy for further information.


The higher education institution the student is seeking to enrol in for CIS is referred to as the 'host institution'.  One application form must be completed for each host institution.



Normal quotas on admission to award courses do not apply.  However the other institution may not admit cross-institutional students in cases where insufficient places are available for its own students.



Cross-institutional students are subject to the same statutes, regulations and rules as apply to students enrolled in an award course at the host institution.  These statutes, regulations and rules relate to attendance at classes, performance or work, discipline, conduct and progress and are to be found in the publications of the host institution concerned.

If a cross-institutional student is subsequently admitted to a course leading to an award at the host institution, at which they have been allowed cross-institutional enrolment, units/subjects passed while enrolled on a cross-institutional basis may only be counted towards an award of the host institution if specified approval is granted by the host institution.



Cross-institutional students are required to pay a fee for service for those units/subjects taken at the host institution.  The host institution will calculate this. ACSA students will not be required to pay unit tuition fees to ACSA for units undertaken at a host institution.



If you decide to withdraw from a subject or topic in which you are enrolled as a cross-institutional student, and do not wish to accrue a HECS/FEE-HELP liability for the semester concerned, you must officially withdraw in line with the process of the host institution.



Further information about units/subjects available at host instiutions is available on their respective websites.



  1. Speak to the Student Liaison Officer regarding your intended study to ensure that the unit you wish to enrol in can be credited to your course of study 
  2. Complete and submit this application form
  3. Approval from ACSA will be sent to you by email as a PDF. If your request is not approved, we will contact you to discuss further.
  4. Use the approval form from ACSA to complete your application at the host instiution
  5. Once you have enrolled at the host institution, provide ACSA with evidence of your enrolment in cross-instutional study. This is an essential requirement of your cross-institutional study.
NOTE: When you have received your official results from the host institution, it is your responsibility to supply an official academic transcript of the results to ACSA. ACSA also has the authority to request these results from the host institution.

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Personal Details


ACSA Enrolment Details

I am currently enrolled in:

Host Institution

At which host institution do you wish to undertake cross-institutional study?
Do you wish to enrol in another unit at the same host institution at this time?