Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form

What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

RPL is credit that is granted towards your course of study for comparable prior study or experience. 

Credit for prior learning is granted only where the prior study or experience is assessed as equivalent in content and level to the course for which you are applying.

If you seek recognition for previously acquired skills, knowledge or experience, you must provide evidence of meeting the key learning outcomes for the units for which credit is being sought.

As part of your application, you may be asked to provide all or some of the following evidence:

  • an endorsed statement or academic record
  • course outlines from previous study
  • portfolio of work (during the application interview)

Please discuss your application with Andrew Herpich, Student Liaison Officer, prior to completing this form:

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RPL Policy

The RPL Policy and Procedures is available on ACSA’s website. The Policy outlines the rules and conditions for awarding credit for prior study and experience, including that:

  • Credit granted will ensure the integrity of ACSA’s award qualification and the relevance and currency of the prior learning to the academic requirements of ACSA’s award;
  • Specified or unspecified credit may be granted on account of formal, informal or non-formal learning undertaken elsewhere in order to fulfil partially the requirements of the Diploma of Visual Art (DVA), Associate Degree of Visual Art (ADVA) or Bachelor of Visual Art (BVA);
  • Credit will not normally be granted for courses completed more than 10 years before application unless there is evidence of substantial relevant experience during the intervening period;
  • As a general rule the maximum amount of credit granted cannot exceed: 33% (16 Credit Points) for the DVA, 50% (48 Credit Points; EFTSL of 1 year) for the ADVA OR 50% (72 Credit Points; EFTSL of 1.5 years) for the Bachelor of Visual Art;
  • Limits on maximum credit may be waived only with the approval of the Academic Board;
  • The policy on maximum credit also applies to students wishing to exit their enrolled course of study with a lower qualification.

Please refer to the RPL Policy and Procedures for further information.

Application Process

The application procedure includes the following steps: 

  • Application for RPL should occur at the time of application to study, ideally 21 days prior to the commencement of classes;
  • Make an appointment with the Student Liaison Officer to discuss your application;
  • Complete the RPL Application form and submit it with supporting evidence; 
  • Two Academic Staff will assess your application and evidence. You will be required to attend an interview to discuss your application and present a portfolio of relevant work;
  • The Academic Administration Manager will advise you in writing of the outcome of your application;
  • The outcome will be kept on file and recorded in your student file upon enrolment.

Personal Details

Course Unit Details

Course unit details
Please list the units for which you are seeking recognition

Evidence of Prior Learning

This section asks you to list any evidence of prior learning that may support your application, including formal qualifications, non-formal study, life experience and work experience. You only need to complete the sections that apply to you and your previous experience.

Do you have any formal qualifications relevant to this application?
Please list your formal qualifications
 Qualification nameInstitutionYear of completion

Have you undertaken any non-formal study relevant to this application?
Non-formal study takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification (e.g. short courses)
Please list non-formal study undertaken
 Course/class nameOrganisation/instructorYear undertaken

Work Experience
Please list any work or volunteer experience relevant to this application. If none, leave blank.
 Position titleEmployerDate of employment
Life Experience
Please list any personal interests, hobbies or skills which may support your application. If none, leave blank.
 Life experienceDates
Personal verification
Please list the name, email and phone number of 1 - 2 people who can substantiate your application. 