Family Practice Evaluation for Obstetrics

Name of First Year Resident
Rotation Dates
Name of Evaluator
Did the Intern demonstrate Osteopathic skills during this rotation?
Did the Intern demonstrate adequate Medical/Obstetrical knowlege during this rotation?
Did the Intern demonstrate professionalism during this rotation?
Did the Intern demonstrate adequate interpersonal and communication skills during this rotation
Did the Intern demonstrate adequate patient care skills for their level of training?
Did the Intern demonstrate adequate use of resource materials during this rotation?
Did the Intern demonstrate punctuality?
Did the Intern demonstrate the ability to adequately stage the progression of labor including estimates of dilation and effacement?
Did the Intern demonstrate the ability to deliver an uncomplicated OB commensurate with his/her level of training?
Did the Intern demonstrate the ability to repair an episiotomy?
Did the Intern demonstrate the ability to correctly interpret the fetal monitor?
Did the Intern demonstrate the ability to place and monitor an epidural?
Did the Intern demonstrate the ability to recognize and respond to pathology demonstrated by a complicated OB?
Please estimate the number of vaginal deliveries attended by the intern
Please estimate the number of C-sections attended by the Intern
Please estimate the number of epidurals attended by the Intern
Signature of Evaluator


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