Anyone may use this form to submit a Tidbit in any issue of Top Tech Tidbits.
Submission Requirements:
In order for your contribution to be considered for publication as a Top Tech Tidbit it must:
A.) Be approved by 2 out of 3 Tidbits Editors to provide "actionable access technology information".
B.) Be relatively new by having been released within the last week or two.
Deadline For Submission:
In order for your TIDBIT to be published in any issue it must be received with a timestamp BY OR BEFORE 12:00 PM PT | 1:00 PM MT | 2:00 PM CT | 3:00 PM ET on the WEDNESDAY before that issue is to be released on THURSDAY.
All submissions received with a timestamp after 12:00 PM PT | 1:00 PM MT | 2:00 PM CT | 3:00 PM ET on WEDNESDAY will be published in the following week's issue on THURSDAY.