Thank you for your interest in the 2024 FAAMA Charity Golf Tournament benefiting Folds of Honor. The event will be held at the San Marcos Golf Course in Chandler, AZ on April 20th, 2024.

How would you like to register? *

Golfer Registration

How many golfers in your group? *
Golfer 1 Fees *
Add Guest
If you are not paying for other golfers then they are not fully registered until they pay separately. Please notify them of this! For questions please email
Add Golfer 2 Fees? *
If you are not paying for other golfers then they are not fully registered until they pay separately. Please notify them of this! For questions please email
Add Golfer 3 Fees? *
If you are not paying for other golfers then they are not fully registered until they pay separately. Please notify them of this! For questions please email
Add Golfer 4 Fees? *

Non-Golfer Registration

Non-Golfers can attend the Welcome Reception on Friday and the Awards Luncheon on Saturday. This will include food at each event.
Fees *
Add Polo Shirt? *

Sponsor / Donor Registration

Thank you for supporting the 2023 FAAMA Charity Golf Tournament benefiting Folds of Honor. 
Logo and contact info displayed on Welcoming Reception and Awards Luncheon tables
Logo on signage at registration pick-me-up station
Registration for four golfers
Logo on golf gift given to each participant
Two Tee signs displaying company name
Logo on signage at registration pick-me-up station
Registration for four golfers
One tee sign displaying company name
Sponsors hole contest (closest to pin, longest drive...)
Recognition during award presentation and name on prize
Large tee sign displaying company name for contest
One tee sign displaying company name at random hole
Recognition during awards lunch
Mail Check or Prize to:
Wesley Sikich
7051 W Muriel Dr
Glendale, AZ 85308

Volunteer Registration

Thank you for your assistance in the 2024 FAAMA Golf Tournament benfiting Folds of Honor. Activities may include assisting with regisration, hole contests and the Friday and Saturday evening activities. Because dinner and a shirt are included, volunteers are limited to keep costs down. If volunteer spots fill up please consider attending as a Golfer or Non-Golfer. 
First and Last Name *
Email *