Professional in Human Resources California (PHRCA) Exam Preparation Self-paced Study Program
California Human Resources Professional (CAHRP) credential

Our PHRca® Exam Prep Self Study course is an intensive program that provides training for HR professionals with employees in California. Successful completion of the course earns students the California Human Resources Professional (CAHRP) credential and prepares you for the PHRca® Certification exam.

This program includes one study guide covering five key functional areas of Human Resources, over 200 online practice exam questions, numerous pre-recorded lectures, and additional study tools and resources to enhance your learning.

Registered students will have  access to the TMT classroom materials for 180 days (6 months) from the date access is granted. **User IDs will expire after 180 days.**

The PHRca (Professional in Human Resources - California) exam prep class prepares  you to take the exam offered by HRCI.  The CAHRP (California Human Resources Professional) is a credential for completing the  are different programs for HR professionals operating in California, each with the following requirements:

  1. Professional in Human Resources - California(PHRca®):

    • Offered by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).
    • Requires candidates to meet specific eligibility requirements, including a certain HR experience and education level.
    • Candidates must pass a rigorous exam covering various HR topics, including California-specific employment laws and regulations.
    • The certification demonstrates proficiency in HR practices specific to California.
  2. California Human Resources Professional Credential (CAHRP):

    • Offered by HR Coach LLC.
    • Involves completing a seven-week intensive course.
    • Candidates can prepare for the PHRca exam through this course, but it is not mandatory to take the exam to earn the CAHRP credential.
    • Credentials are earned upon completing the course with a 90% or above score.
    • Focuses on providing comprehensive education in HR practices tailored to California regulations and practices.

In summary, while both are designed for HR professionals working in California and aim to enhance their credibility and career prospects, their structure, requirements, and the organizations that offer them differ. The PHRca certification is more exam-focused and requires meeting specific eligibility criteria, while the CAHRP certification is obtained through completing a course, which also prepares candidates for the PHRca exam but doesn't require it for certification.

California Human Resources Courses *
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