MCS Student
Acceptable Use Policy
Grades 3-Adult

I will follow the school policies and rules for using all technology.

An Acceptable Use Policy must be signed by the parent in order for the student to continue using any technology including the Chromebook!

Not signing and agreeing means that your child will not have access to technology including the Chromebook.

This will impact their learning, ability to participate in class, and their grades (in grades 6+).

School *
Grade Level *

Student responsibilities with all devices:

  • I will use all technology (including but not limited to computers, Chromebooks, cell phones, laptops, netbooks, PDA’s, MP3 players, iPads, and other electronic devices) only for educational purposes approved by MCS and under the direction of approved MCS personnel. I understand that all computers, including the Chromebook and all technology are property of MCS; their use is not private, can, and will be monitored and all files stored on computers, Chromebooks, laptops, etc., or the server can be reviewed. If anything is improperly used, my principal, teacher and parent/guardian will be notified.
  • I will be assigned a Chromebook and a case. I understand I must treat it with care and follow all rules and guidelines provided by teachers and the school’s EdTech Leader.
  • I may only use a few ‘decals’ (no stickers) that can be easily removed. I will not remove or cover any tags or stickers that are on the Chromebook.
  • I know that if I damage the Chromebook (or any device), I may be responsible for paying for the repair or for a new one. Since there is no fee collected, students who break/damage their Chromebook may be asked to pay for the repair, parts, or the whole Chromebook replacement.  This will be determined case-by-case.  Limit of 2 replacements!
  • Having the Chromebook is a privilege. It is not a right. I can lose the privilege of having one for varying length of times. I know this can and will affect my grades.
  • I will treat all equipment with care and respect. I will not purposely damage equipment – including Chromebooks. I know if I damage my Chromebook, I may not get a replacement or a loaner.  I know this can and will affect my grades.
  • I will not bring my own personal device and use it at school.
  • I will not have food or drink near any equipment. I will not interfere with or disrupt other users, service, or equipment.
  • I will not attach devices to school equipment or the network unless I have been given prior authorization; these devices may be confiscated. Devices include iPods/iPads/iPhones, mp3 players, cell phones, tablets, laptops, gaming equipment, etc.

Student responsibilities with use of any device:

  • I will not access, read, print, create, send or post unethical, illegal, immoral, inappropriate, or obscene materials.
  • I will not send harassing messages, pictures or information of any type to anyone from any device including personal devices –resulting in “cyber bullying”.
  • I will not disclose or use my personal information (or another person’s) unless approved by authorized MCS personnel for a specific educational purpose.
  • I will not misrepresent myself or hide behind an alias (without authorized MCS approval).
  • I will not access email from a free or unsecured mail server. Email may be accessed through an “” account and only for educational purposes.  This email account can and may be monitored.
  • I will not use my Google email for email purposes. It is only to be used as an account manager and to create approved logins required for instruction when appropriate.  This email account will be monitored.
  • I will use care when clicking on links. I will attempt to recognize phishing or junk emails and report them. I will help students identify and report junk and/or phishing emails.
  • I will not participate in instant messaging or post online (social networking, chat, wikis, blogs, etc.) during school unless assigned for a specific education purpose and under the direct supervision of the authorized MCS personnel responsible for the assigned activity. I will not attempt to access social networking, chat, etc., sites on any device, including personal devices during the school day.  Social networking includes sites such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Yammer, and many more.
  • I will not search for inappropriate things online. I know I am being monitored and that I may lose privileges if I do.
  • I will not use technology provided by MCS for inappropriate or illegal purposes, buy or sell goods for personal gain, or political lobby. Any inappropriate or unsafe use of MCS technology shall be reported to the adult in charge.
  • I will avoid excessive printing.

Student Fair use and Copyright:

  • I understand that all information obtained online is, unless specified, private property; therefore, I will not plagiarize information received in any form.
  • I will only use artificial intelligence (A.I.) under the guidance of my teacher. I will not submit something from an A.I. as my work.
  • I will adhere to copyright laws (including but not limited to: software, documents, pictures, articles, graphic files, audio, music (CD & online), video, text, etc.) and privacy considerations and cite my sources of information when necessary.

Student Network Security:

  • I will not download, upload, install, or access any software or files onto any computer, Chromebook, or other devices unless I have the approval of the building network administrator or other authorized MCS personnel.
  • I will not delete the history on any device I use, including my Chromebook.
  • I will use only files I have created or files/programs I am authorized to use; therefore, I will not change, copy, rename, delete, view or otherwise access files unless I have prior permission from the creator or network administrator.
  • I will keep educational files stored on my Microsoft Office OneDrive account or Google Drive account.
  • I will respect network security and not attempt to bypass it. This includes, but is not limited to, “hacking” and attempting to interfere with system security software. If I am aware network resources are being used inappropriately or bypassed, I will report it to the adult in charge.
  • I know there is a filter in place that lets MCS know what I’m searching-whether it is a website or words. This information can and will be shared with principals, teachers and/or parents/guardians.
  • I will not knowingly create, distribute, or execute any virus, worm, malware, spyware, spam, etc. or disable or change tools used to monitor hardware and software.
  • I will use only my assigned user name(s) and password(s). I will not share these or any other system passwords and will notify the appropriate adult of any security problems of which I am aware. I understand I am responsible if anyone else uses my username/passwords in an unauthorized manner.
  • I will respect network resources and will not engage in bandwidth intensive applications (This includes but is not limited to gaming, internet radio, TV programs, or streaming videos) without permission of the authorized school personnel.

Student Personal Devices:

  • I will not access school network resources with personal devices without the specific permission of the school network administrator. Devices that are connected without permission can and will be banned on the school’s network.  
  • I will not use my personal hot spot at school to access the internet.
  • I will not use such devices for cheating, taking inappropriate pictures/videos, copying of materials that could be used for cheating, text messaging, circumventing the state/county network/internet filtering, cyber bullying, harassment, or any inappropriate communication.
  • I understand that CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) requires that all Internet access be filtered; therefore, I will not use personal devices to circumvent these guidelines.

The student is personally responsible for his/her actions in accessing and utilizing the school’s technology resources.  If he/she uses technology inappropriately, the student can have their privileges suspended for a period of time which can impact their grades.  Based on the severity of the violation, a student could lose technology privileges permanently.

In the case of vandalism or malicious destruction of data or equipment, the student and/or the parents could be expected to pay for repair and/or replacement of damages.


For further information refer to both, West Virginia State Policy 2460 ( )

and MCS policy and guidelines (

These polices are established to ensure safe, appropriate and educational use. 

Post this list at home and periodically go over these guidelines.


~Together we can better keep your child safe while using technology~


Chromebook Specific Information

In the past years, we have charged a small fee to cover one accidental damage. 

Once again for 24-25, there is no fee. 

Please encourage your child to take care of their device!

Missing, stolen or lost chargers or missing, stolen or lost Chromebooks may not be immediately replaced. 

Any intentional damage to one’s own or another student’s Chromebook may require replacement cost. Any additional damages will be billed to the family. 

Damaged Chromebooks may not be repaired for a week or more and with intentional damage, students may not get a loaner device. 

Not having a Chromebook can and will have a direct impact on a student’s classroom performance, homework and grades (especially in grades 6 up).

Some price quotes for repairs include (prices may be higher with our new Chromebooks): 

     ~Base enclosure -$30

     ~Palm rest cover-$55



     ~Chromebook replacement-$200

     ~Charger-$20 (In some cases, such as the charger – it is cheaper to buy it yourself from Amazon.)


I understand that Monongalia County Schools provides access to desktop computers, laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, networks, the Internet and other technologies as a tool to facilitate learning and enhance the educational development of all students and that there are consequences if my child does not follow these rules. 

Monongalia does provide a filter on the Chromebooks - but it is not 100% perfect and that I must help monitor when not in school.  (It's best if the child accesses any device in a public space such as the kitchen or living room rather than behind the door in their bedroom.)  I must also share my expectations with my child when he/she is online.

Parents are highly encouraged (especially Elementary and Middle) to determine an appropriate schedule for Chromebook use in the evenings and weekends and that students always use their Chromebook in a public space at home and are supervised.

My child’s picture may appear on the school/county web page or newsletter.  Guidelines have been set so that a child is not identifiable by name.  If you do not wish for your child’s picture to appear, please notify the school in writing within five days of signing this form.


All students must follow the school policies and rules for using all technology.

An Acceptable Use Policy must be read and signed by the parent in order for the student to continue using any technology including the Chromebook!

Not signing and not agreeing means that your child will not have access to technology including the Chromebook.  This will have an impact on your child's learning and grades. This is school year 2024-2025, and technology is a part of all of our lives, including student lives! 

All technology should be used for educational purposes!

Please discuss with your child the appropriate use of any device (even personal ones such as cell phones) during the time at school.

This Acceptable Use Policy is meant to bring awareness to what our expectations are in order to use all technology in order to stay safe online, take care of equipment, use equipment properly and help you (the parent/guardian) have good conversations about your expectations as well.

Thank you for your support!

Continue to final part of the AUP!


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