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Dear Parents:

Your child has an opportunity to participate in the Waco Independent School District's Internet-access system and needs your permission to do so. Your child will be able to communicate globally with other schools, colleges, organizations, and will have access to databases, libraries, and computer services around the world.  With this educational opportunity also comes responsibility. Inappropriate system use will result in loss of privilege to use this educational tool.

The Internet is a network of many types of communication and information networks.  Each WISD computer with Internet Access has a filtering device or software that blocks access to visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, inappropriate for students, or harmful to minors, as defined by the federal Children's Internet Protection Act. However, it may not be possible to absolutely prevent such access. It is the users' responsibility to follow rules for appropriate use.

Device Acceptance

By accepting this policy you are stating that your student(s) is/are in need of a district issued device.  By accepting a device from Waco ISD for your student(s) you are agreeing to this policy.   Please return the device to your campus if you do not agree to the terms outlined in this policy.  


Jerry Allen, M. Ed.

Chief Technology Officer

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