ACU Global Grants 2020 - expressions of interest

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The ACU’s Global Grants scheme gives 16 grants per year for UK students to participate in summer schools hosted by member universities in other countries.

If your institution will be running a summer school in 2020 and would like to receive students under this grant scheme, please complete this form by 30 October.

Please note this must be a summer school which is already planned to run and to which international students can apply independently rather than being nominated by their home institution. We are not seeking proposals to set up a new summer school.

If you have any queries, please email 

University and contact details

Summer School information

Do the fees include accommodation? *
Do the fees include meals? *
Is the summer school credit bearing? *

Safeguarding and student welfare

Safeguarding is defined as the actions taken to prevent and respond to harm caused by sexual exploitation, abuse, harassment or bullying towards those connected with the University (i.e. staff, students, and anyone else accessing university services or involved in university projects) Does the university have a safeguarding policy? *

The ACU's safeguarding policy can be found on the ACU website. If the university does not have a safeguarding policy, or if the university's policy is found to differ to a large extent from the ACU's policy, successful host institutions may be required to agree to abide by the ACU's own safeguarding policy in order to act as a Global Grants host institution.
Does the university work with children in any way? *