South Jasper County SSA Parent Survey

My child currently attends: *
My child currently attends: *
Select your level of agreement with each statement *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeDon't Know or N/A
1. My child’s school provides quality services for students with disabilities.
2. I believe my child’s teachers have the skills and experience to provide the quality instruction that my child needs.
3. My child is considered a full member of the student body in his/her school.
4. Faculty members we have talked with seem to feel a strong sense of responsibility for all students, including students with disabilities.
5. South Jasper County SSA's special education referral process is efficient and effective for our child.
6. I provide input into the creation of my child’s IEP/BIP.
7. If applicable: My child participates in his/her Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) meeting (beginning at least at age 14).
8. I am encouraged to be an active participant in our child’s IEP meeting.
9. I attended our child’s most recent IEP team meeting.
10. My child’s teachers accommodate and modify instruction as specified in the IEP/BIP.
11. I understand how my student’s grades are determined.
12. My experience in attending ARD meetings in South Jasper County SSA has been positive.
13. My child’s general and special education teachers work together to plan his/her educational program.
14. The educators at my child’s school treat us as full and equal partners in matters concerning my child’s educational program.
15. I feel supported by my child’s principal in our efforts to ensure my child receives a quality education.
16. I feel supported by the central office staff in my efforts to ensure my child receives a quality education.
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