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2024 TAT Fall Classic Registration

Click the banner above to view the tournament flyer!

Personal Information

Have you bowled any TAT events yet -- either TAT Las Vegas or TAT Desert Southwest? *

Division Descriptions

Your TAT Desert Southwest average is initially calculated using your highest USBC Standard Composite average over the past two years. We may use other relevant information such as Sport/Challenge league averages and/or tournament performances (both TAT and others) to adjust your average up or down from that starting point. We look at your TAT Las Vegas average for possible adjustments, but your USBC average is the starting point and you MUST have a USBC average to bowl in TAT Desert Southwest events unless you bowl in the Scratch division.

For all bowlers averaging over 215.

50+ Senior Limited Handicap
For age-50+ bowlers averaging 200 or higher. Uses 80% of 220 handicap with a max of 16 pins per game. Seniors with averages of 220 or more get 0 handicap. Seniors with averages under 200 may elect to bowl in this division, but will be limited to 16 pins of handicap and would likely be more competitive in the 215 & Under or 189 & Under handicap divisions as appropriate for their average. Please note that this division is structured differently than TAT Las Vegas.

215 & Under Handicap
For all bowlers with averages between 190 & 215. 80% of 220 handicap with a max of 24 pins per game.

189 & Under Handicap
For all bowlers with averages under 190. 80% of 220 handicap with a max of 46 pins per game. Bowlers with lower averages under 162 are eligible, but are limited to 46 pins of handicap.

If you are eligible for multiple divisions, you must select one division and stay in that division for the entire tournament for all re-entries. You may request a division change at any time prior to throwing the first ball for score in your first squad.
Have you won $1,000 or more in ANY bowling tournament in the past (2) years, or have you won $5,000 or more in any bowling tournament in the past five (5) years? * 🛈
List all bowling tournaments fitting the above criteria. If you have more than three (3) such tournaments, list the three with the highest payouts.
 Winnings $DateTournament name & location
Have you bowled a TAT in the past 2 years? *

Select your entry package

Entry packages * 🛈
Single entry includes these benefits
1 Qualifying squad
1 VIP squad
Option to purchase qualifying re-entries for $109
Mini-marathon entry includes these benefits
2 Qualifying squads
1 VIP squad
Option to purchase qualifying re-entries for $105
Marathon entry includes these benefits
3 Qualifying squads
2 VIP squads
Option to purchase qualifying re-entries for $99
TAT grip sack, towel, or ball cup
What is a VIP Squad?
Many of you ask us what these "VIP Squads" are all about!
The February and July TAT in Las Vegas has these, but it's still relatively new at TAT regionals, so here's a quick explainer...
Included with your tournament fee are entries into TWO events... the main tournament qualifier (where you could win $5,000) and the VIP tournament (where you could win $500). Each event has its own squad times.
There are typically two to three VIP squads at our events. They are ALWAYS on a fresh-oil condition. You bowl TWO games in a VIP squad, and ONLY your HIGH GAME counts! 
Most bowlers use it as a "glorified practice session" where you have a chance to try out the pattern with different balls and lines of attack, but at much lower risk. It can really hurt your chances in the main event if you bowl a bad first game because you don't know how to play the lanes yet, but the VIP Tournament gives you a low-risk way to try some things out and figure out how you want to play the lanes for the main event. And if you happen to throw a big number out there, you could win some cash!
The cashing ratio for the VIP tournament is 1 in 8. All divisions are combined, and your high game with handicap is the only one that counts. Maximum score is 300 with handicap. First place is guaranteed $500, and low-to-cash is $30.
We will run $5 brackets with the VIP squads as well! How do we do that with only two games? Games 1 and 2 are as usual... but the last "game" is actually your 2-game series total.
Select 1 VIP squad
Additional VIP squads are $29
Select 2 VIP squads
Additional VIP squads are $25
Select 2 VIP squads
Additional VIP squad is $20
VIP Saturday, October 5th, 2024
(53 remaining)
(53 remaining)
VIP Sunday, October 6th, 2024
(56 remaining)
Please select at least one VIP squad!

Select your qualifying squad times

Select 1 qualifying squad
Additional qualifying squads are $109 each
Select 2 qualifying squads
Additional qualifying squads are $105 each
Select 3 qualifying squads
Additional qualifying squads are $99 each
Saturday, October 5th, 2024 (
Cut and re-oil after 11:00 & 5:00 squads)
(39 remaining) (55 remaining)
(42 remaining) (43 remaining)
Sunday, October 6th, 2024 (
Cut and re-oil after 11:30 squad )
(55 remaining) (59 remaining)
Please select at least one qualifying squad!
One more page to fill out after you click Next>> below!
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