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Aesop Advisor LLC - Client Info Update Form

If you are an already existing client using this form to update your information, you only need to complete fields for financial info that has changed.

Domestic/Taxation Status *
Employment *
Employment 🛈
 Employer Info
Type of Business
Your Job Title
Years at Job

If you would like, you can list debts. We will use this information to help build a debt management plan. 🛈
 Type of DebtTotal Amount OwedAmount You Pay MonthlyInterest RateFinal Payment Date
Do you want to update info on an individual basis or on a household basis? * 🛈
Domestic/Taxation Status *
Employment *
Employment 🛈
 Employer Info
Type of Business
Your Job Title
Years at Job

If you would like, you can list debts. We will use this information to help build a debt management plan. 🛈
 Type of DebtTotal Amount OwedAmount You Pay MonthlyInterest RateFinal Payment Date
0/100 characters
Trusted Contact 🛈
 Trusted Contact Info

These questions about your risk tolerance can help determine investment recommendations. There are no right or wrong answers! If you have previously completed these questions, feel free to answer them again if you would like. Please be sure to answer all 13 questions if you would like your risk tolerance assessed again.

In general, how would your best friend describe you as a risk taker? 🛈
You are on a TV game show and can choose one of the following. Which would you take? 🛈
You have just finished saving for a "once-in-a-lifetime" vacation. Three weeks before you plan to leave, you loose your job. You would:
You unexpectedly received $20,000 to invest, what would you do?
In terms of experience, how comfortable are you investing in stocks or stock funds?
When you think of the word "risk" which of the following words comes to mind first? 🛈
Some experts are predicting prices of assets such as gold, jewels, collectibles, and real estate (hard assets) to increase in value; bond prices may fall, however, experts tend to agree that government bonds are relatively safe. Most of your investment assets are now in high interest government bonds. What would you do?
Given the best and worst case returns of the four investment choices below, which would you prefer?
In addition to whatever you own, you have been given $1,000. You are now asked to choose between: 🛈
In addition to whatever you own, you have been given $2,000. You are now asked to choose between:
Suppose a relative left you an inheritance of $100,000, stipulating in the will that you invest ALL the money in ONE of the following choices. Which one would you select? 🛈
If you had to invest $20,000, which of the following investment choices would you find most appealing?
Your trusted friend and neighbor, an experienced geologist, is putting together a group of investors to fund an exploratory gold mining venture. The venture could pay back 50 to 100 times the investment if successful. If the mine is a bust, the entire investment is worthless. Your friend estimates the chance of success is only 20%. If you had the money, how much would you invest?
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Aesop Advisor, LLC
New Client Form