Pike Road Schools has established a process for students, parents, guardians, and bystanders to report instances of bullying to the school administrator for further review and investigation in order to minimize antisocial behavior in the school environment. The school will be notified about bullying if this form is completed. Any reported bullying incident may be investigated, and disciplinary action will be taken if deemed necessary (Patriot Code of Conduct code 2.02).

Bullying: A continuous pattern of intentional behavior by the same person and/or persons (this is not a one-time event), whether physical, verbal, written, or electronic, that is intended to annoy, intimidate, extort, alarm, or terrorize one or more students. Characteristics of bullying include the following categories: gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality, ethnicity, race, color, socioeconomic background, mental, physical, or sensory disability.

Hazing: Any willful action taken in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any organization.  This prohibited conduct could include annoying, teasing, or belittling behavior that causes a student to be alarmed or terrorized.  This prohibited conduct also includes but is not limited to, sexually graphic gestures, jokes, writings, or comments. 

Harassment: The intentional pursuit of a pattern of conduct intended to annoy, intimidate, extort, alarm, or terrorize another individual, whether physical, verbal, written, or electronic. In addition, the behavior threatens the health, safety, or welfare of students, staff, or others on school grounds, in school vehicles, at designated bus stops, and at school-sponsored events, whether on or off campus.



Please specify the type of incident. *
Behavior is related to *
Signature of reporter
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