Membership Categories and Definitions

Contractor Members

Contracting firm, corporation, or individuals who design, install, service and/or repair environmental systems such as heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, humidification, air purification, and ventilation.

Associate  Members:

Distributor, Wholesaler, or Manufacturer’s Rep

Private career school, or any person, firm, partnership, company, or corporation that provides a non-HVAC-related service to HVAC contractors. Examples include accountants, lawyers, and insurance companies

Company Information

Contact Information
Key Contact
Second Contact

As members we agree to abide by ACA/NE's Code of Ethics *
We agree that ACA/NE can use our credit card to pay my annual membership dues. *

Payment Information
My company is applying for an ACA/NE Membership as a (Please check one box) *
Current Total:
Click the 'Calculate' button to display the Membership Dues Total.
Then, follow the 'Pay with Credit Card' button for the secure payment form.

If you have a question or need assistance, please contact Cathy Flaherty at

ACANE dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes but may be deductible as a business expense up to 42%.