SPARK Registration Oct. 16/2019-May 20/2019

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Terms and Conditions
SPARK! is an after school program run by volunteers from Faith Mennonite Church, UMEI, LDSS and MD Bennie student leaders in grades 7&8.  The program runs from 2:50 – 4:45 p.m. at Faith Mennonite Church at 269 Sherk Street.  Participants will be met at Margaret D. Bennie School by an adult volunteer and walked to the church at the end of the school day. The children will play outside, followed by a snack.  Each day includes a craft, art, cooking, science or tech activity.  If a child has homework, they may choose to work on it.  Volunteers will be present to help with homework and to assist your child in understanding the concepts they are learning at school. Pick up will be at 4:45 p.m. and we ask that if someone else will be picking up your child that you notify us in advance. If your child is unable to attend on any day, please notify Faith Mennonite Church in advance at (519)326-6391.  Enrollment is limited to 24 participants and 6 student leaders.
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