CCA Home Education Day Form
This is an optional project/assignment for Kindergarten - 6th Grade.
Parents can choose to not have their student complete the assignment and their student will be marked absent for the Home Education Day. To receive a "present," this signed form must be submitted by the
day back. There are no exceptions, and we will not accept them on any other day (unless the student is absent on the first day back).
If this form is submitted later than the day after the Home Education Day the student(s) will be marked absent for the date in question.
Only this signed form is required for attendance purposes. Based on the honor system, there will be no need to submit the activity/assignment that your student chose to do.
Each student should complete, at minimum, 3 hours of enrichmet to receive credit for school attendance (present). Mark what your student chose to complete (you may choose more than one) or choose "other" and list what you did.
E-mail address:
Date of Home Education Day:
Student(s) First Name:
Student(s) Last Name:
Student(s) Grade Level:
What did you do on your Home Education Day? (choose all that apply):
Read a book or article.
Created a rap/song/poem.
Drew and colored pictures to illustrate.
Learn/practice a musical instrument.
Visited the library.
Attended an activity, ceremony, or event.
Wrote an essay/story/play.
Plannned, shopped, prepared, and cooked/baked a dish.
Learned a sport or dance.
Visited the fire or police department.
Attended a city or church sponsored event.
Interviewed someone who knows about the topic.
Created a poster of facts.
Performed a science experiment.
Learned social graces/dining etiquette.
Visited the beach and learned about shells and sea life.
Memorized bible verses.
Watched an age-appropriate documentary.
Created a power point presentation on a topic of interest.
Visited a local or state park.
Made a craft.
Learned about a historical figure.
Learned a foreign language.
Explored an interactive website.
Illustrated a comic strip.
Served in the community (food pantry, soup kitchen, assisted living facility, etc.)
Visited a museum, zoo, planetarium, sea school, etc.
Learned a new skill such as woodworking, carpentry, plumbing.
Worked with Mom or Dad on a home project.
Explain (You may have come up with a great idea. Tell us what you did.):
Parent signature. By signing, I attest that my student(s) completed a minimum of 3 hours of enrichment work.