Bank Account Request and Signer Change Form

This form is for a request to open a Girl Scout troop bank account or change signers. Do not go directly with Wells Fargo Bank, or any other financial institution to make requests. Only Girl Scouts of Northern California (GSNorCal) troop bank accounts opened through this process at Wells Fargo are free of monthly service fees. Any fees associated with accounts created outside the process will not be covered by GSNorCal. 

Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Please submit one account creation request per troop with a minimum of two signers to avoid delays. If an account creation request is received with fewer than two signers we will be unable to process an authorization document.

Girl Scouts requires two un-related signers that have current Adult Membership to be listed on the account. 

There must be at least two signers on the account at all times. 

All account signers must be currently registered, have a current background screening with GSNorCal and be affiliated with a troop.

Signer #1 / Key Executive must be designated as Troop Helper or Troop Treasurer and have completed the Troop

Treasurer online training in GSLearn. All signers should be aware of the responsibilities of managing troop finances.

Signer #2 should be registered as the Troop Leader.

Please Note- SEPTEMBER 2024, Wells Fargo has announced a change in process affecting new troop account requests. We are pausing new account approvals while a new process is implemented, but you can still submit a request to get in line! Change of signers for accounts opened prior to 9/24/24 will be processed as usual.

New Bank Account Request

Signer #1

Signer #2

Signer #3

Change of Signers

Add and/or Remove Signer(s)? *
Information of Signer(s) to Add
Signer 2
Signer 3

Information of Signer(s) to Remove
Signer 2
Signer 3

Electronic Signature

Published 5/9/2024

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