Uniform Aid Request Form

Para completar este formulario en español, vaya a este enlace: https://fs19.formsite.com/girlscoutsnorcal/o2lvqg4tns/index
To complete this form in Spanish, go to this link: https://fs19.formsite.com/girlscoutsnorcal/o2lvqg4tns/index
Uniform Aid Request Form

Girl Scouts is open to all girls who want to join a troop regardless of income. An important part of belonging to a troop is a Girl Scout uniform. Not only does a uniform unite girls in a troop, it also gives girls a way to proudly display their Girl Scout achievements and experiences.

Because we believe that a uniform is so important, we are pleased to be able to provide a financial aid voucher for obtaining your uniform essentials* through our online or local retail shops. Vouchers are available for youth members only. To be eligible, a current 2024-25 membership with an active troop is required. Uniform financial assistance is available for new or bridging girls only.

Please use this form to request a uniform voucher for either our online store or our physical stores. You will receive an email in 3-5 business days notifying you of next steps after your uniform aid request is processed.

*Uniform essentials may include a vest (or Tunic for grades K–1) and Core Insignia–Council ID, Flag, Insignia Tab, Membership Pin, WAGGGS pin–and Troop Numerals.

Member Information

Where do you plan to shop? Please select the option that works best for you in order to receive either an online store uniform voucher or a physical store uniform voucher. *

Electronic Signature

Published 10/5/2020

* Please Note: Once you submit this form, you'll have the option to print the form contents on the following page.