Event Notification Form

We're excited that you are planning an event!

Girl Scouts of Northern Califonia is here to support your service unit or event as you plan. In preparation for your event, we need to gather some information from you so that:

  • Participants are safe
  • Adults are protected from liability
  • We can find you in case of emergency

Event Managers should complete this entire form including all required asterisked (*) fields to ensure proper planning, paperwork, and training has been completed prior to your event. This form should be completed and approved by your service unit before sending out flyers or registration materials. Flyers for the event should adhere to our branding guidelines which can be located here.

Save & Return

Save your progress and complete this form later. (Required)

New Users/Returning Users click the Create Account/Login button. Creating an account enables you to save your progress and return to this form and your submitted results. An account will also enable you to partially complete this form and return later to finish. The account you establish is only for this form. If you use this feature we recommend using your email as login and troop number as password.

Let's Begin!

Event Information

Event Details
By selecting yes below, you acknowledge that you have reviewed the GSNorCal branding guidelines found here, and that flyers for this event are in adherence with those guidelines. *

Is your event open to members outside of your service unit? *
Would you like your event promoted on the Events Website?
Please note: all applicable previous information will be uploaded to the Events Website as is *

Event Location
Will the facility manager require you to get a contract signed? *
Will the facility owner or manager require you to provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI)? *

Participant Information
Is this event open to non-Girl Scout participants (youth or adults)? *

Registration & Payment
Will your event use an online registration system or group website? *
If your event is offering or thinking about offering online event registration, you must choose a web-based provider who ensures protection of credit card data in accordance with industry standards which are known as PCI Compliance. You can find out more information about PCI guidelines and a list of approved vendors by using the online PCI Compliance- Info Packet and Acknowledgement Form. 
Will there be a participation fee? * 🛈
Will you allow Fall or Cookie Reward Cards to be used as payment for your event? * 🛈

You may accept Council Credit from youth as payment for their event fees. Please accept these credits as you would money. The council will reimburse the total amount redeemed for your event for each Girl Scout submitting credits. Council Credit cannot be used by adults. Complete the Product Program Reward Card Conversion Form to receive reimbursement.

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character that make the world a better place.  2021 Girl Scouts of Northern California