Troop Number Request Form

Are you starting a new troop? Request your new troop number by submitting this form.

While we are processing your troop number request, you will receive an email with next steps to:

  1. Complete membership registration.
  2. Complete an electronic background check.
  3. Start your online basic training for new Troop Leaders.

Once you are a registered member and your background check has been approved by GSNorCal,

  1. Your volunteer role as Troop Leader or Troop Admin will become official and you will receive your new troop number.
  2. Your troop will then be displayed on the Troop Catalog as an available option for new families registering for Girl Scouts.

Troop Members

Girl Scout troops need to be large enough to provide a cooperative learning environment, but small enough to allow development of individual youth. That’s why all new troops are set to welcome 12 girls, GSUSA’s research-backed recommended troop size.

When a new member selects to join your troop, and membership registration is completed, the registered troop leader(s) or Troop Admin(s) will receive an email with the new girl's name and parent/guardian contact information. Your troop will be removed from the Troop Catalog when all available youth spaces have been filled. Available volunteer roles will always display on the Volunteer Catalog.

All adult volunteers are required to complete Livescan fingerprinting in compliance with state law AB506. Once a volunteer role is selected and registration is complete, a personal invitation will be sent to each member with steps on how to complete a Livescan fingerprint with Girl Scouts of Northern California. Once the fingerprint record has been reviewed and approved by GSNorCal, the volunteer role will become active.

Our staff will contact you to answer questions and offer assistance, but if you have questions regarding the status of your form, please contact our Community Specialists at or 800-447-4475 ext. 2093

Troop Details: Tell Us About Your Troop

There are two different types of troop volunteer teams,
Traditional Troop: In a traditional troop, a leader and an assistant leader work together to share the responsibilities of leading meetings and chaperoning outings. Troop leaders may then recruit additional volunteers within the troop families to provide support during Cookie or Fall Product sales, chaperoning field trips, managing finances, or other roles depending on the troop’s activities.

Volunteer Roles

  • Troop Leader
  • Assistant Troop Leader
  • Troop Treasurer
  • Troop Helper
  • Troop Cookie Chair
  • Troop Fall Product Program Manager
  • Troop Trip and Outdoor Coordinator
Co-Op Troop: Many hands make light work! In a co-op troop, all families work together to share responsibilities, including leading meetings and chaperoning outings according to interests and skill set. Each troop will need a Troop Admin to coordinate the calendar and communications, Troop Program Coordinator to plan out the troop year, a Troop Treasurer to manage finances, and other roles listed below depending on the troop’s activities. In a Co-Op troop, all the volunteers lead troop meetings on a rotational basis.

Volunteer Roles 

  • Troop Admin  
  • Troop Program Coordinator 
  • Troop Treasurer 
  • Troop Helper 
  • Troop Cookie Chair 
  • Troop Fall Product Program Manager 
  • Troop Trip and Outdoor Coordinator 
Choose the volunteer model that best fits your new troop. *
Grade(s): grades selected should reflect the current 2024-2025 school year *

Girl Scout Experience Box Program 2024-2025

You've indicated you're starting a new troop with Kindergarten and 1st grade Daisies. Great news: this year, you can enroll by January 31st, 2025 and GSUSA will send out free monthly Girl Scout Experience Boxes to new Daisy troops. Each box contains materials to earn some of the daisy petals and cookie badges and follows the troop year plan. Box contents depend on the month they are supplied. Daisy troops may receive up to eight boxes; troops will receive fewer boxes the later they start. To start receiving some of these free experience boxes as early as August 2024, you must be registered and fingerprinted as the new Troop Leader or Troop Admin, have one other registered and fingerprinted troop volunteer, and have at least 4 registered youth members.
Once you become a registered Troop Leader or Troop Admin, you will receive a welcome email from GSUSA with more details about these exciting new program boxes.  

Shipping Address: Please provide the address where you would like to receive the Daisy Experience Boxes (PO Boxes are not accepted at this time) 

Does your troop need materials in Spanish? *


Does your troop speak another language other than English?
Language: (Select all that apply) *

Let new families know what they can expect if they join your troop by indicating your troop’s interests and volunteer needs below

Troop Interests: (Select a minimum of 3 interest areas) *

We will include the following information in your troop's description for prospective members: 

  • the interests and language(s) you indicated above; 
  • your leadership model 
  • whether you are open to the community or for a specific school; 
  • your meeting day, time, and frequency. 
  • grades served
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