Product Program Council Credit Conversion Form

This form may be used by service units, troops, or parents/girls to request conversion of product program (Fall or Cookie) reward card funds to be used for approved Girl Scout activities. Learn more about ways you can use your reward cards.
Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing.
I Would Like to Use Some or All of My Product Program Reward Card For (Select All That Apply): *
For Volunteer Run Camps, please have the camp admin use this form
For Service Unit Events, please have the SU Event coordinator use this form


Disburse to my Troop for troop activities, travel, etc

Please confirm the following statements: *

Disburse to my Troop for High Awards

Please confirm the following statements: *
Is this disbursement for a Gold Award Project *
I have submitted my proposal via GoGold Online and it has been marked approved. *

Travel (Council or Girl Scouts USA Trips)

Reload Council Credit

Programming with another Girl Scout Council

Membership Renewal

You can use your council credit to:
  1. Renew up to 4 Girl Scout(s) youth memberships and 2 adult(s) memberships in total.
  2. Graduating Ambassadors can also purchase a yearly adult membership for $25 for themselves.
  3. Graduating Ambassadors interested in purchasing a Young Alum Lifetime membership at a discounted rate of 50%.
  4. Purchase new memberships for another sibling or adult in your family.
Memberships to renew

GSUSA Online Retail Shop Gift Card Conversion

Council Credit earned through participation in our Fall Take Action Program and/or the Cookie Program can be used to purchase Girl Scout swag for you or an amazing adult supporting you - as well as powering all your unique Girl Scout experiences! There is no fee to convert Council Credit funds to an electronic gift card redeemable for any merchandise available on directly supports GSNorCal

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character that make the world a better place.  2014 Girl Scouts of Northern California