Next Theatre Company
I am a: *

Choose your passport, and enter the amount next to your choice:

Your Dates (optional)

Please select your dates below. If you would rather select your dates later, just check the box at the end of the list and you can pick your dates anytime!
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Seating requests (optional)

Seating is first-come first-served due to the flexible arrangement of our packages. We may contact you about an alternate date if your seating requests cannot be filled for your first-choice date.

Your Donation

Please consider a tax-deductible gift to Next Theatre.
Gifts of $50 or more will be acknowledged in Footlights.

Billing Address

Mailing Address
(if different from billing)

We'll send you subscriber information and your quarterly newsletter by mail as well as email. Please enter your mailing address here if it is different from your billing address.


American Express


You will not be charged untill you review and confirm your order on the following page.
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