Foreign Language Residence Program Application

This upcoming semester, I will be a *
Which language group do you wish to join? *

Language Background

What role did the Foreign Language Residence Program play in your choice to attend NIU? *


Prospective participants must be able to meet the following requirements to receive one credit for the FLRP course:

  • Sign a pledge to speak the chosen language at dinner
  • Attend class Monday through Thursday, 5-6 p.m.
  • Participate in weekly language night presentations and special FLRP activities

Programming Fee:

There is a $50 dollar programming associated with The Foreign Language Residence Program. The $50 fee will be added to your Bursar’s account if you live on the Foreign Language Residence Program floor in Stevenson. If you do not live on The Foreign Language Residence Program floor in Stevenson, you will need to write a check for $50 to The Foreign Language Residence Program by the second week of each semester. The fee covers the overnight Taft Retreat during fall semester and all excursions.

By checking this box I agree to have the Foreign Language Residence Program assess this fee to my bursar's account at the start of each semester I am a participant in the program. *
Signature of student *
Signature of parent or guardian (if student is under 18)