VISION 2050 Consistency Tool for Regional Growth Center Plans

This tool, a resource from the Plan Review Manual, is intended to help integrate VISION 2050 into center plans. The tool also identifies requirements from the Regional Centers Framework (2018) and can be used at various stages in the local planning process:

Plan Scoping: Use checklist items as guidance for scoping the extent of center plans.

Draft Review: Submit draft center plans, along with this tool, to PSRC to help identify potential consistency issues.

Certification Review: Completing this tool assists PSRC’s review of adopted plans and helps facilitate certification. 

Regional Collaboration: Tool responses provide an opportunity to highlight innovative policies and public engagement.

Regional Centers Monitoring: The next centers monitoring period will occur in 2025, following the 2024 local plan updates. This tool helps ensure updated center policies address regional guidance and Framework criteria.

Word and PDF versions of this tool are also available for download to assist with the planning process. 

User Guide

This form is split into three sections:
1) Submittal Information. This is where you provide contact information, describe the status of the plan update, and add documents and weblinks for review.
2) Checklist items by Policy Area. Policy objectives are listed with relevant VISION 2050 policy or action references. Please add page or policy references from the plan to demonstrate how VISION 2050 is implemented. (!) = new or expanded emphasis in VISION 2050  ** = criteria from the Regional Centers Framework
3) Discussion Questions. These provide an opportunity to describe more about the planning process and innovative work included in plans or policies.
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