Riverfest Sponsorship / Donation / Volunteer Form

Windom Riverfest - June 3rd - June 9th, 2024
Windom's annual summer celebration is just around the corner. Windom Riverfest is a community-based, volunteer-planned event, held annually during the second full weekend of June. Our community festival includes the Miss Riverfest Pageant, fireworks, family-friendly activities, food, live music, sports events, dances, craft fair, grand parade, antique car show, turtle races, and much, much more.
It take many hands to pull off an event like Riverfest. Not only, manpower, but contributions to make our favorite events possible. 
We are asking for your help. Here are some ways you can help us:
1.  Become a Riverfest Sponsor. There are a few different ways to do this. You can either donate at a particular level and your dollars will go into our general fund to be used through the event and in adversing. Or, you can be a full or partial sponsor for a specific event. If you choose to be a full or partial sponsor of a specific event, we will ensure all advertising and promotions have your company or group listed. See below for a list of events in need of specific sponsors. In return for your sponsorship dollars, we will ensure your company logo is prominantly displayed on our website for years to come and in both print and and social media advertising leading upto and during the event week. (Note: Size of logo displayed depends on sponsorship level or dollar amount.) There is also a complimentary parade entry for each sponsorship or donation valued of $50 or more.
2. Donate Prizes or Money. Much of the hype around Riverfest is the exciting prizes for varions events (Turtle Races, Parade, Saturday and Sunday kids games, door prizes during cook-out, etc.). Regardless of the size of the donation (large or small), we will find a fit!
3. Volunteer to Help. Extra hands are always needed! Here is your opportunity to give back to the community and fulfill service hours for your workplace by helping out during Riverfest week.
Please complete the sponsorship/donation/volunteer form below. If you are planning to be a sponsor, please mail or drop off payment to The Windom Area Chamber as soon as possible. We have activities that need to be scheduled and paid for in advance. 

Please direct questions to the Windom Riverfest Committee Chairman, Jeff Reeves. We are looking forward to a great year of celebrating our small town!

Windom Riverfest Committee
Darci Jones (507) 831-2752 ; director@windomchamber.com.
Mail or drop off your sponsorship or donations to:
Windom Area Chamber of Commerce
303 9th Street
Windom, MN 56101

Are you intested in being a Sponsor, Donating, or being a Volunteer: (Mark all that may apply) *
General Fund Sponsorship Level: *
Specific Event Sponsorship: *
If you would like to make a donation, what would you like to donate: *
Volunteer to help with an event: *
I/We waive liability responsibility and hold harmless the Windom Riverfest Committee, Windom Area Chamber of Commerce, Covention & Visitor's Bureau, and the City of Windom from any injury susstained in conjuction with the Community Event(s).
I agree to the above waiver of liability responsibility. *
Would you like to receive our weekly E-Blast to stay informed of all community events? *
Please mail or drop off sponsorship or donation to:
Windom Area Chamber of Commerce
303 9th St
Windom, MN 56101
By signing below, you agree to the terms listed above: *