Head of School Discussion Group

Join us for six engaging Monday afternoon conversations. SAIS is partnering with Rob Evans & Michael Thompson for year four of a Zoom discussion group exclusively for heads of school.

Past participants have praised Rob & Michael for their facilitation style and ability to push, pull, and explore with the group rather than offering generic solutions. They help you help each other.

Enrollment is limited to 30 participants.

The group will meet via Zoom from 4:30-5:45 PM Eastern on six Mondays:
  • Sept 18
  • Oct 30
  • Dec 11
  • Jan 22
  • Feb 26
  • April 8
Tuition: $325 for SAIS members, $379 for non-members

- The Zoom link will be included in the reminder email sent prior to each session.



Rob Evans is a clinical and organizational psychologist and has consulted in more than 1,700 schools. His interests have focused on change and resistance to change in schools and organizations, on the challenges of leading innovation, and on changes in American families and their impact on schools. He is currently concentrating on ways to improve collegiality and candor among educators and to promote realistic dialogue about accountability. 



Michael Thompson is a consultant, author, and psychologist specializing in children and families. He is the supervising psychologist for The Belmont Hill School and has worked in more than 700 schools. A dedicated speaker and traveler, he has appeared on The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, ABC 20/20, CBS 60 Minutes, and Good Morning America. He also wrote, narrated, and hosted a two-hour PBS documentary entitled Raising Cain.




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Not sure if your school is a member of SAIS? Check the member roster here. *

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Discussion Topics