2025 Motivation & Engagement Survey
  • Please complete this form to order the SAIS Motivation and Engagement Survey.
  • When the form is complete and submitted with corresponding payment, you will receive a confirmation email that verifies the information provided and important next steps.
  • Please refer to www.sais.org/surveycenter for information. 
Faculty/Staff ($200)
Students Only($200)
All the above ($300)
$500 flat fee
(regardless of which constituents are selected)
An invoice will be sent via email after your form is submitted.

Save & Return

Save your progress and complete this form later (optional)


What grade levels does your school serve? *

If the survey coordinator is not the head of school, please complete the following. In that case, the survey results will be sent to both the survey coordinator and the head of school.


Select the appropriate deployment for your survey. *
For each stakeholder group participating in the survey, please give us your best estimate of how many responses we should expect for each group.


SAIS will create and supply a weblink to the survey(s). The school will distribute the weblink to the appropriate staff and / or students on the deployment date. 

You will receive your compiled report about 14 days after the survey closes. 


Is Your School of a Member of SAIS? *


By checking below you are certifying that: 
  • You are authorized to commit your school to use and pay for the SAIS survey instruments.
  • You understand that the data received by SAIS through the surveys is confidential and that no identifying data of survey participants will be shared with you at any time.
  • You understand that data will also not be shared with a third party on your behalf without your specific permission. In such case, no identifying data of participants will be shared.
  • You understand that the SAIS survey instruments, the protocols, the questions, and the reporting mechanisms are the intellectual property of SAIS.
  • No individual from your school or on behalf of your school will replicate any of the survey forms, reports, questions, or other intellectual property owned by SAIS.
  • The school or its agents will not share SAIS intellectual property with those not authorized by the school or by SAIS.
  • You acknowledge that SAIS may use the survey results to conduct research or authorize others to conduct research and studies and may from time to time publish research to inform the industry. Such publications or research will not include identifiable school specific information or data without permission from the school.
  • You have reviewed the survey questions for their appropriateness for your school community. 
Certification and Authorization *
I understand I will receive an invoice by email from SAIS for the total amount due and I will pay the balance within 30 days. *