Scholarship Funding is Open
Greetings, noble heroes of the realm. We have had an amazing showing from our community during our 2023 fundraisers and camp season. We are building back up our funds for the 2024 season and hope to be able to offer the same if not more scholarship opportunities as we did this past summer.
Our amazing Knights of our own Round(ish) table are working hard on various fundraisers to renew more funds for this camp season. In the meantime, you can continue with your application and we will reach out as we solidify our funding abilities for the season.
Please note that there are other ways to also offset the price of camp, we have a healthy referral program for campers and staff referrals that can help with camp pricing. If you know anyone who would make an ideal campers or staff candidate, fill out this referral form and we will reach out do the rest of the work for you:
Story School Referral Form
We continue to fight for our heroes here at The Story School and hope that you will be able to join us!