Post COVID Grant
for Minority & Under-Served Pastors
The Iowa United Methodist Foundation is working in partnership with Wespath and Gammon Theological Seminary (and their Clergy Financial Well-Being Initiative); and Lilly (and their endowment Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders) to offer a limited number of $500 grants. By filling out this form, you verify you are providing this information in regards to eligibility for financial relief.
1). Verification of Covid Impact (below Include dollar amount/documentation of at least $500 impact) *
2). Verification of Eligibilty
3). Other Financial Needs (please choose at least one of the below and provide description)
4). Investing My Financial Well-Being (check the personal finance activities you will explore or have completed):
Check the personal finance activities you will explore or have completed: *
5). Please share your personal statement/story as to why you should receive a grant and how you plan to use the money (feel free to attach a separate document):

6. Help the Foundation share its good work!
Please check the one that applies *

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