Important notes:
Applications will be triaged to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
- Please insert a maximum 1000 word summary of your CV in this application form. The CV should also include relevant publications of the applicant if there are any
- No retrospective awards will be considered (i.e. only meetings occuring after the award date on 31st March 2025 can be considered)
- Applications cannot be accepted without the applicant's manager's approval, please ensure you provide their name and contact details
- Only the first application submitted to us will be accepted. Please ensure your application is completed in full and in one single action
- Incorrectly completed applications will be rejected
- Priority will be given to applicants who will be presenting at the meeting or conference they are seeking support to attend
- For successful applicants this document including the CV will be securely stored until we receive the final report
- For unsuccessful applicants this form and CV will be securely stored for 12 months
- Applications including CVs are shared with the Nurse and Allied Healthcare Professional Selection Committee and may be shared with the Board of Trustees
- Due to the large number of applicants there will be no formal feedback to applicants.