Fund Application - Attendance at a UK Meeting or Conference

Novo Nordisk Ltd is the sole donor to The Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation (NNUKRF), however, NNUKRF decides and allocates funding independently to fulfil its own independent charitable objectives.

Charity registration number: 1056410.

If you have any queries regarding this application form, please contact NNUKRF on or go to for more details.

Important notes:
Applications will be triaged to ensure compliance with these guidelines.

- Please insert a maximum 1000 word summary of your CV in this application form. The CV should also include relevant publications of the applicant if there are any

- No retrospective awards will be considered (i.e. only meetings occuring after the award date on 31st March 2025 can be considered)

- Applications cannot be accepted without the applicant's manager's approval, please ensure you provide their name and contact details
- Only the first application submitted to us will be accepted. Please ensure your application is completed in full and in one single action

- Incorrectly completed applications will be rejected

- Priority will be given to applicants who will be presenting at the meeting or conference they are seeking support to attend
- For successful applicants this document including the CV will be securely stored until we receive the final report

- For unsuccessful applicants this form and CV will be securely stored for 12 months

- Applications including CVs are shared with the Nurse and Allied Healthcare Professional Selection Committee and may be shared with the Board of Trustees

- Due to the large number of applicants there will be no formal feedback to applicants.
Position *
0/250 words

5. Have you submitted or intend to submit an abstract? *
0/250 words
0/250 words
8. Have you successfully applied to NNUKRF before? *
9. If yes, did you submit a final report? *

Should the application be successful we give consent for the named applicant(s), photos/images and award information to be shared on the NNUKRF website and any promotional material and, if required, consent for this information to be included in the NNUKRF Annual Report (which is public domain and published on the Charity Commission website).

We confirm that we have read this application and that if a Diabetes Fund is awarded, the funds will be used for the purposes as stated or will be returned to the Foundation.

We have met internal obligations and can confirm this is a legitimate application.  The applicant agrees to submit a short report to NNUKRF after the conference or meeting is over.
Signature of applicant: *
I have the approval of my manager/Head of Department
Signature of manager/Head of Department:
0/1000 words
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